French Immersion Information
Please see the slides for information shared at our French Immersion Information Night on November 30, 2023.
Please see the slides for information shared at our French Immersion Information Night on November 30, 2023.
We look forward to welcoming parents and/or guardians interested in registering their child for Grade 1 French Immersion for the 2024-2025 school year!
The information session will begin at 7:00 pm in the school library tonight. Online registration for Grade 1 French Immersion begins Friday, Dec. 1 and closes Jan. 19.
Families who ordered produce through the Fresh From the Farm initiative may pick up their items Monday, November 27 between 3:30 and 5 pm.
Thank you for supporting this fundraiser whose proceeds go toward shipping costs for the Northern Neighbours Christmas packages. Please come to the front of the school after dismissal to collect your order. Staff will be there to assist you. ... Continue reading "Fresh from the Farm order pick up Monday"
St. Joseph will host an information night on Thursday, November 30 for families wishing to enrol their child into Grade 1 French Immersion next September. The meeting takes place at 7 pm at the school at 2 Glass Drive in Aurora.
French Immersion is designed to provide non-francophone children with a high degree of proficiency in the French language. The online application process ... Continue reading "SJA French Immersion Information night"