Year: 2023

SJA Catholic School Council Nominations open

Our Catholic School Council is a vibrant organization of parents and guardians who share their expertise to help improve the experience of students. Parents and guardians are welcome to nominate themselves or another parent to be a member of Catholic School Council. Please see the nomination form below. Print this form, complete it and return it to the school by Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 1:00 ... Continue reading "SJA Catholic School Council Nominations open"

Civvies day this Friday – school ends at 11:55 am

This Friday, June 30 will be a Civvies Day. As noted in earlier communication, students will be dismissed on Friday at 11:55 am. Buses will leave the school shortly after 12 pm to return students home. We wish the St. Joseph community a safe and blessed summer and look forward to seeing everyone back at school in September!