Category: General

St. Joseph: A Grade 1-8 French Immersion School

St. Joseph continues to offer French Immersion instruction to students in Grades 1-8. While there may have been some confusion related to a poster placed at the school entrance, kindergarten is not offered at St. Joseph. Families who have children of Kindergarten age are advised to check the school board website ( to determine the appropriate school in which to enrol.

French Immersion Information Night

Thank you to everyone who attended the French Immersion Information Night on Wednesday, November 30. Online registrations are open until Friday, January 20. If required, an entry lottery will take place Thursday, January 26. Further information is available on the slideshow below.


Photo Retake day Wednesday, Nov. 30

Wednesday, November 30 is Photo Retake day at St. Joseph. The photographer will be here for part of the morning only. If you wish your child’s photo to be retaken, please notify the teacher. Please ensure your child is wearing standardized dress for this photo session.

St. Joseph CSC Meeting

The next Catholic School Council Meeting will take place Wednesday, November 23 at 7:00 pm. If the labour situation is resolved, the meeting will take place in the library. If it is not resolved, this meeting will be virtual. A link will be shared with the community prior to the meeting.

Please note: Parents who aren’t CSC members, but would like to ... Continue reading "St. Joseph CSC Meeting"

Pumpkins Have Arrived!


Thank you to the Catholic School Council for organizing our pumpkin arrival and No Frills for donating them to our school.  Every student will be given a pumpkin to paint and decorate.