Category: General

Terry Fox Day is Friday, September 20, 2019

St. Joseph, Aurora CES is pleased to be participating in the Annual Terry Fox Day on  Friday, September 20, 2019.  Students are encouraged to wear RED & WHITE clothes on this day! 

For the past fourteen years our school community has raised over $50,000 for cancer research.  We are very proud of our achievements. Our challenge this year is to continue to support ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Day is Friday, September 20, 2019"

September Newsletter 2019-2020

St. Joseph CES Aurora:  September 2019-2020 Newsletter

Chair Dominic Mazzotta (Richmond Hill), Vice Chair Maria Marchese and Trustee Iafrate (Richmond Hill), Trustee Crowe (Aurora)                 

Superintendent: Tina D’Acunto

Dear Families of St. Joseph CES,

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!  The staff and I are excited to ... Continue reading "September Newsletter 2019-2020"

Open House/ Curriculum Night September 5

St. Joseph Aurora is having its annual Open House /  Curriculum Night on September 5, 2019 at 6:45-8:00 pm.

This year the classroom teachers will be making short presentations to cover topics such as classroom expectations and the curriculum being covered for the year.

Presentations for students in grades 1-3 will take place in the classrooms at 7:00 pm and 7:30 ... Continue reading "Open House/ Curriculum Night September 5"

September School Transportation Information for Parents!


Each summer, Student Transportation Services of York Region (STSYR) makes adjustments to bus route schedules to accommodate new service providers, students and new school openings. As a result, some students may experience changes in their bus schedule or route number. Please confirm bus stop service for September by checking beginning the ... Continue reading "September School Transportation Information for Parents!"