Category: General

SJA French Immersion Information night

St. Joseph will host an information night on Thursday, November 30 for families wishing to enrol their child into Grade 1 French Immersion next September. The meeting takes place at 7 pm at the school at 2 Glass Drive in Aurora.

French Immersion is designed to provide non-francophone children with a high degree of proficiency in the French language. The online application process ... Continue reading "SJA French Immersion Information night"

Wear Red and White for Terry tomorrow

Students are encouraged to wear red and white as they pledge their support for the annual Terry Fox Walk/Run at St. Joseph Aurora Friday, September 15. Over the last 15 years, the school community has raised more than $50,000 for cancer research. Families who would like to pledge their support this year can visit:

Students must have their ... Continue reading "Wear Red and White for Terry tomorrow"

SJA Catholic School Council Nominations open

Our Catholic School Council is a vibrant organization of parents and guardians who share their expertise to help improve the experience of students. Parents and guardians are welcome to nominate themselves or another parent to be a member of Catholic School Council. Please see the nomination form below. Print this form, complete it and return it to the school by Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 1:00 ... Continue reading "SJA Catholic School Council Nominations open"

Civvies day this Friday – school ends at 11:55 am

This Friday, June 30 will be a Civvies Day. As noted in earlier communication, students will be dismissed on Friday at 11:55 am. Buses will leave the school shortly after 12 pm to return students home. We wish the St. Joseph community a safe and blessed summer and look forward to seeing everyone back at school in September!

SJA One-Day Food Drive Friday

This Friday, June 23 there will be a one-day food drive to stock the shelves of the Aurora Food Pantry for the summer. Required items include canned meat and fish, canned beans (romano, kidney, black, navy, lentils), personal care items like toothpaste, soap, laundry detergent and shampoo. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause.