Category: General

CANADIAN BLACK HISTORY presentation by DO Gibson is on February 11

D.O. Gibson is a Guinness World Record setting rapper, published author and university graduate that has been inspiring hundreds of thousands of youth since 2001. He set a Guinness World Record for longest freestyle rap by rapping for 8 hours and 45 minutes. Gibson has performed at over 1,000 schools.

Gibson, an Ontario based motivational speaker and certified artist  ... Continue reading "CANADIAN BLACK HISTORY presentation by DO Gibson is on February 11"

La Saint-Valentin le marathon de dance

Valentine’s Day Dance Fundraiser:  The Catholic School Council is collecting prizes for the Valentine’s Day Dance-a-thon!  Companies who donate prizes will be acknowledged in the weekly newsletter and on the school website.   Please contact Neli Gontier at if you have any questions.  If you would like to volunteer at the Valentine’s Dance please contact

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PowerX Movement Comes to SJA January 13 to 15

The X Power Program explores Conflict Resolution through an experience inspired by martial arts including Tai-Chi and Karate.

Through games and reflection, students are empowered with tools for effective conflict resolution and to stand up for themselves, others, and the world around them.

This program was made possible with the Fresh From the Farm funds and the ... Continue reading "PowerX Movement Comes to SJA January 13 to 15"

Luke 4:18 ELF RUN Toiletry Drive

Beginning Monday, December 2nd, we will begin our ELF RUN Toiletry Drive. All proceeds of the toiletry drive support the Annual St.Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper drive at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church.

Please bring in shampoo, deodorant, cleaning products, hygiene products and general household items such as aluminum, foil, paper towels and ziploc bags! 


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Luke 4:18 Poinsettia Fundraiser & Proceeds Support St. Vincent de Paul (Aurora & Oakridges)

The Advent season is upon us, and it is during this time especially we rejoice in anticipation of Jesus’ birth and show love and appreciation to others with prayers, sentiments and gifts.  It is also a time to enjoy the many blessings we have and to give to those who have less.  St. Joseph’s will be selling Poinsettias, and ... Continue reading "Luke 4:18 Poinsettia Fundraiser & Proceeds Support St. Vincent de Paul (Aurora & Oakridges)"